Software Solutions Built around your Business

We turn your Ideas into Reality

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We take pride in what we do and we do great stuff

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60+ satisfied clients

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100+ projects completed.

Our Services

Things we love to do

Custom Software

We build ad hoc software using some of the best frameworks like Laravel, Spring, Symfony, WordPress, Magento.

System Integration

We offer advice on online strategy and assist in systems integrations.

Mobile App Development

We build native IOS and Android as well as cross plattorm applications using cutting edge technologies, like Flutter.

AI and Automation

We help our clients automate with solution code and no-code, and support with our expertise in generative AI.

Backend as a Service

We build Backend-as-a-Service (BaaS) for Enterprise and Startups. Powered by extensive and clear APIs.

UX Design

Delivering intuitive and engaging user experiences (UX) through meticulous research, wireframing, and prototyping, ensuring seamless interactions and interfaces across platforms.

Internet of Things (IoT)

Enabling interconnected ecosystems with Internet of Things (IoT) solutions, integrating sensors, devices, and data analytics to optimize processes, boost productivity, and foster innovation.

Client and Partner Feedbacks

We love hearing from our clients and partners,
here is what they say about us


Keep up with updates from us

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Laravel from scratch on was EC2

By Vimuth Somarathna

A quick and simple guide on deploying a Laravel application on AWS EC2. Set up your server, install dependencies, configure your app, and deploy with ease.

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Laravel 5.3 add multi-language functionality

By Luigi Laezza

Do you want to know how to add a multi-language functionality to your Laravel application? Read our article.

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Mailtrap with symfony, testing emails has never been so easy

By Luigi Laezza

Mailtrap is a fake SMTP server for development teams to test, view and share emails sent from the development and staging environments without spamming real customers.

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Improve your social media strategy with Semrush

By Luigi Laezza

Discover SEM, a powerful social media analytics tool that helps track competitors, monitor trends, and identify influencers.

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On SMASHINGMAGAZINE an introduction to building and sending HTML email for web developers

By Luigi Laezza

Improve your HTML email skills with this must-read article from Smashing Magazine. Learn best practices for designing responsive, cross-client emails.

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Inexpensive stage lamp server with Raspberry PI3 and Ubunto server

By Luigi Laezza

Not sure how much to spend on a development server? Learn whether a shared host, VPS, or dedicated server is the right choice for your needs.

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Secure your SSH connection disabling SSH password logins

By Luigi Laezza

Improve your server security by setting up SSH key authentication. Disable password login, and configure SSH access for seamless, secure connections.

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Analizzare tecniche e strumenti per conquistare nuovi clienti e far crescere la tua attività

By Luigi Laezza

Partecipa al seminario gratuito per ristoratori a Napoli il 10 aprile e scopri strategie di marketing e strumenti digitali come BiplanFood