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13 November, 2023

Why working with Laravel in 2023


Luigi Laezza

Laravel is a popular PHP framework for developing web applications. It offers many features and tools to make web development easier and faster. In this article, we will introduce some of the basics of Laravel and how to use it to create a simple web app.

Laravel follows the MVC (Model-View-Controller) pattern, which separates the application logic from the presentation layer. This makes the code more organized and maintainable. Laravel also provides a powerful query builder and ORM (Object-Relational Mapping) called Eloquent, which allows you to interact with different databases using a fluent and expressive syntax.

To start using Laravel, you need to install it on your server or local machine. You can use Composer, a dependency manager for PHP, to install Laravel and its dependencies. You can also use Laravel Installer, a command-line tool that creates a new Laravel project for you. Once you have Laravel installed, you can use the artisan command to run various tasks, such as creating controllers, models, views, migrations, routes, etc.

To create a web app with Laravel, you need to define the routes, the controllers, the models, and the views. Routes are the URLs that your app responds to. Controllers are the classes that handle the requests and return the responses. Models are the classes that represent the data and business logic of your app. Views are the files that contain the HTML code and display the data to the user.

For example, let's say we want to create a web app that allows users to create and view posts. We would need to create a route for each action, such as /posts for listing all posts, /posts/create for creating a new post, /posts/{id} for showing a single post, etc. We would also need to create a controller called PostController that handles these routes and calls the appropriate methods. We would also need to create a model called Post that represents a post in our database and defines its attributes and relationships. Finally, we would need to create views for each route, such as index.blade.php for listing all posts, create.blade.php for creating a new post, show.blade.php for showing a single post, etc.

Laravel makes it easy to create these components using the artisan command. For example, to create a controller, we can run:

php artisan make:controller PostController

To create a model, we can run:

php artisan make:model Post

To create a migration, which is a file that defines the database schema, we can run:

php artisan make:migration create_posts_table

To create a view, we can simply create a file in the resources/views folder with the .blade.php extension.

Laravel also provides many other features and tools to help you with web development, such as authentication, validation, testing, caching, events, queues, etc. You can learn more about them by reading the official documentation or following some tutorials online.

Laravel is a great framework for writing web apps with PHP. It is easy to use, powerful, and flexible. If you want to learn more about Laravel or start your own project with it, you can visit its website at